Sunday, April 13, 2008

Invited Friends to Church

I have been inviting this Christian friend to my church for some weeks. She hasn't been going to church for a quite a long while, so during a conversation I suggested that she should come visit my church one Sunday.

She liked the idea and agreed to come over that coming Sunday.

However, something cropped up, and she told me that she couldn't make it that week. I suggested the following week, but when the time comes there was still some other reasons that prevented her from going.

Then today she finally came...

After church I brought her to "vineyard lounge" where some church members will introduce more about the church to newcomers.

While talking, she shared that in the past she has had friends inviting her to their church, but none has made the follow-up and encouraged her to go. From the way she shared, she sounded so thankful that I had been persistent in encouraging her to come.

I almost cried when I heard that. Persistent!... All the while I was reluctant to continue my follow-up phone calls and sms, fearing that I may annoy her and sound too pushy.

Thank God that I did not give up. Come to think of it, why should I be afraid? I wasn't doing anything wrong... I am glad that she enjoyed it and has agreed to come again next week...