Friday, March 7, 2008

My New Job As Legal Advisor

It has been more than a month since my last post. At first it was because of the hectic Chinese New Year celebration, then i got this new job... Oh! This is so exciting! I thought I must get back to my blog to record it down, to give glory to God.

I was approached for this job from a friend whom I have not been in contact for some time. Quite unexpectedly too! He said that his company is involved in a new project, and needs to hire an in-house lawyer.

I went in for an "interview" and agreed on the job on the spot. The terms were so appealing, what I would call an ideal job. It's like God had the job tailor-made just for me:

  1. The retaining fee (salary) was slightly more what I used to get when working as a legal assistant, with a promise to increase it to almost double from what I used to get after 3 months.
  2. My main job functions are to advice on company law and drafting agreements. Exactly what I had wanted. Something I enjoyed doing, and something I'm good at (I think!)
  3. The job is on a retainer basis, meaning I can still practice as a lawyer or even get retained by another company (or companies).
  4. They will give me a room to work in. My own office. They even invited me to set up my permanent office there. This one I'll have to consider. The downside is that I'll be "on-call" the whole time, but I can sure live with that. The plus side is I get my own office rent free, and I get to meet my own clients there.
  5. The project they were planning to do is going to be a huge one. It is a nation-wide campaign involving some big names. In terms of exposure and experience, this is surely a God-sent. How I can get myself into this? This is surely by the grace of God. I soon found out that they are actually planning another large-scale project, and there's still another one in the pipeline. Talking about God's double blessing... this is a triple or multiple blessing.

All these I have been wishing and desiring in my heart, without actually putting it into prayer. All I remember doing was just a simple thought in my heart, "wouldn't it be nice if..."

Now I'm already in the job for about 2 weeks. During these 2 weeks, God has granted me favour upon favour with my "bosses":
  1. The CEO offered that I may charge a further small amount for each of the agreements signed. This is being generous because the whole idea of retaining a lawyer is to save up on costs because they are doing the agreements in bulk. This "side-income" is expected to add up to a lot, as they are planning to get some couple of thousand agreements to be signed.
  2. The Owner asked me one evening after dinner in which we had conversations about when I'm going to get married, etc, asked me, "So when do you plan to get married?". I said, "probably end of this year or early next year." Then he replied, "Good... because by that time you will probably get a big angpow from me. If your wedding is now then I can't afford a big angpow."
  3. The CEO said to some of us in the executive level, that he will try to get us a salary of xxx (what they promised to give me after 3 months) starting from this month.
  4. One of the managers, my friend who had invited me into the company, told me that he will try to talk to the bosses to double up my salary, ie. what I will be getting this month because now I'm handling the matters for 2 companies (ie. for the second project).
  5. The CEO again. This only happened today: As part of my job, I have been requested to draft and prepare letters and correspondences with other parties. So, this afternoon as he was going through one of my draft letters, he said that I can bill the company separately for each of the letters prepared. And he said that I can bill the company for xxx amount (a very generous sum for drafting letters), just send him the bill and he will sign it. He added further that, he wants me to earn xxx amount (a very, very generous amount this time) every month while working here.

The amazing thing is, all these "additional terms" were offered by them out of their own initiative. I had not requested or demanded for a single item.

I believe that this year my life is going to be marked by God's favour. God's goodness and love will surely pursue and hunt me down, because the LORD is my Shepherd.

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